With every purchase of $50 or more before taxes, buy a sherpa tote bag for only $19.95. Original value: $29.95. Applicable on all merchandise while quantities last. The offer will automatically apply once the tote bag is added to your online cart or scanned at the cash register, and once the minimal amount of purchase is met. Combinable with other ongoing offers and promotions. Valid online in Canada and in the US, as well as at all la Vie en Rose boutiques and outlets. Non-applicable on gift cards and previous purchases, non-transferable, and has no cash value. Certain conditions apply. If the return of items purchased during this promotion cancels the requirements for this offer, the value of the tote bag will be deducted from the refund according to the new terms of sale. Offer valid from December 5, 2024, and can be suspended or end at any time without notice. No extensions allowed.